As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Monday, October 22, 2012

Most Beautiful

"Mom, turn your beautiful face to me, you are the most beautiful."

That is what I woke up to this morning, my 7 year old son climbing into my bed with those words. How precious they where at that moment and how beautiful I felt. For a moment I did not think about my hair that was all over the place, my sleep filled eyes, my lack of make-up or the "morning wrinkles" on my face. My son truly beleived that I was most beautiful.

So why do I not see this? Why do I stare at my reflection and think "If only this was smoother, if only that was smaller..." Why do I not see the most beautiful my son sees?

Is this not how God sees us? The most beautiful? We are made in His perfect image, every part of us designed to the tiniest of detail, every cell designed to funtion to a specific order. How can the belief that we evolved to this be so real for so many people?

In our homeschool journey we come across so much of "Millions of years...." or "Evolution...." and we have many discussions on how the Bible points us to the one and only truth. It always refreshing to come across a Biblical book or study pointing us back to the Bible. One of these books that we are currently looking at is Apologia's Science Curriculum studing Astronomy from a biblical viewpoint. My kids are loving learning about our Universe without all the untruth of evolution. Taryn Hayes has a wonderful write-up and giveaway on her blog about Apologia

And I am understanding that if I am made in God's image then I am the most beautiful that I can be.